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Use the Solar Power for efficient electricity bills.



Use the solar power for office electricity operations.



Use the solar power to show environmental care.

Energy Saving Solutions in Areas Connected to the PLN Network
Tersambung Jaringan PLN

The ON GRID system does not require batteries so the investment tends to be low and generates a short payback period. The On Grid system runs with PLN in providing electrical energy needs with a top priority in the PLTS system so that it can reduce electricity costs from PLN without disrupting the smooth supply of electricity.

Sistem On Grid berjalan bersama PLN dalam menyediakan kebutuhan energi listrik dengan prioritas utama pada sistem PLTS sehingga dapat mengurangi biaya listrik dari PLN tanpa mengganggu kelancaran suplai listrik

Energy Supply Solutions Without Using the PLN Network

This OFF GRID system is the best solution for areas that have not been reached by the PLN electricity network by considering the amount of infrastructure investment The OFF GRID system can stand alone without being connected to the PLN network by using battery as energy storage medium and generator as backup

Sistem OFF GRID dapat berdiri sendiri tanpa terhubung jaringan PLN dengan menggunakan baterai sebagai media penyimpanan energi dan generator sebagai backup

Energy Supply Solutions With Use On Solar Panels And Batteries As Backup

The HYBRID system is a solution with the lowest risk of blackout because this system is connected to the PLN network and has various energy sources as a back up system.

Solutions for battery-based electric vehicles

Solutions for battery-based electric vehicles Electric Vehicle (EV) will replace fossil energy-based vehicle systems by using batteries as an energy source. EV Charger is a device used to recharge energy in battery-based electric vehicles. The EV Charger can be connected to PLTS so that recharging energy in electric vehicles is obtained from environmentally friendly solar energy. This system will play an important role in reducing carbon emissions.

EV Charger dapat terhubung dengan PLTS sehingga pengisian ulang energi pada kendaraan listrik diperoleh dari energi matahari yang ramah lingkungan. Sistem ini akan berperan penting untuk penurunan emisi karbon.

Building Integrated Photovoltaics (BIPV)

The use of solar panel technology that has been integrated into building components that replaces building materials with materials that can produce electrical energy without losing aesthetics.

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